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Volume. I, Number 6                          Copyright 2011                    All Rights Reserved
By Request: 
Individuation, Assertiveness and Conflicts

Individuation, assertiveness and conflicts can be healthy when they are born of a need to grow.  As adults, we need to assert individual differences and individual rights as part of our individuation process, just as a two-year-old children need to do. 

When we push and test to discover limits and exercise our ability to say no during external conflicts, we are not creating dysfunctional conflict.  Rather we are giving birth to ourselves as more independent and powerful.
But that process, so normal and natural to two year olds, can be uncertain.  Each time we need to assert our individual rights we face dealing with conflict.  But being assertive is central to becoming more independent and thinking for ourselves.  
When we become acutely aware of issues involving resistance, compliance and rebellion, as well as contrariness and control, assertive behavior is the next step.
Here's how one woman put it, "I know I need to become more independent because I'm repeatedly finding things wrong. " At age 54, she was discovering that her need to be more independent meant reclaiming territory others had tried to take away. 
And the first people to notice her new-found assertiveness were her family members - her husband and children.  "I'd been thinking so much about them and their needs that I hadn't left any time to think about me," she said. 
"Eventually I started getting really angry and we were pushing each other emotionally.  Still I think they're happy I'm learning to say no. 
Later as she gained more confidence in her independence, she took on the authorities at work about a company policy.  The higher-ups didn't like it at first, but eventually they ended up thanking her, because her willingness to hang in there and maintain her position in the face of their opposition saved the company a huge lawsuit.

Developing new levels of healthy autonomy is not always a comfortable process, and one that's often not supported by cultures, especially authoritarian ones which operate to pressure individuals into accepting limitations on their personal power. If we accept that, however, we enter a destructive process in which we lose our dreams ,our hope and become dispirited.

How can you handle the process of individuation so it results in victory rather than disaster?  To support you in learning how to carry out this process in healthy ways, raising your own emotional intelligence and living a fuller life in the process, I teach the Emotional Development 101,  ten, one hour, once a week online classes starting as soon as you register. 
This aspect of life is so important that we devote an entire class to it plus address it as a theme in every other class.
Click the link to view the entire class outline and further details.


"Communication is a continual balancing act, juggling the conflicting needs for intimacy and independence.
To survive in the world, we have to act in concert
with others, but to survive as ourselves,
rather than simply as cogs in a wheel,
we have to act alone."
Deborah Tannen, Sociologist

Do you know how to:

    * Take care of your emotional health and live an emotionally healthy life?  

    * Raise your own EQ (Emotional Intelligence)?

    * Decide what emotional tasks to carry out to address  physical symptoms when you experience them?

In 10 one-hour online classes, one week apart, you will learn how to addresses all these questions and more. Full course outline and other details at
To save 25%, register before Aug. 30th,  2011
Feel free to forward this to others so they can have greater health and well being too!
The emotional brain responds to an event more quickly than the thinking brain.
Daniel Goleman, Ph.D.
Can You Answer These Questions?
Who are we really and what is the nature of the life process we undergo?
What parts of us do we continue to grow only through non-verbal or primary process as opposed to the verbal or secondary processes we typically employ as adults?
Are there differences between our developmental process in childhood and in adulthood, and if so what are they?  For healthy growth, which do we need to have remain the same and which do we need to have be different?
If you don't know the answer to these questions, you will by the end of the first three classes of the Emotional Development 101.  More information here.

By Request:
A BetterHealthBytes Feature:
Receiving a vaccination may now mean getting injected with  tissues from another human being because some vaccines currently include various fetal cell lines from aborted fetuses, human albumen, genetically engineered human albumen and human DNA.

Some people object to this on the face of it -  being injected with human fetal tissue in the first place.  Others' protests are based on science, for example, the spike in autism rates when the chicken pox vaccine began containing fetal tissue. Then there are the unknown consequences such as the risk of allergic reactions and autoimmune diseases, and of course, objections based on religios grounds.

The number of vaccines estimated to contain these human cells varies depending on both the source and the number of vaccines taken into account.  One estimate suggests that 23 vaccines currently on the market contain these cells. (For example, one list of human tissues used in some vaccines can be found here:

The following list is offered to support informed choice.  These vaccines do contain human tissue of one sort or another:  

Polio:  PolioVax, Pentacel, DT Polio Absorbed, Quadracel (Sanofi)

Measles, Mumps, Rubella:  MMR II, Meruvax II, MRVax, Biovax, ProQuad, MMR-V (Merck) Priorix, Erolalix (GlaxoSmithKline)

Varicella (Chickenpox and Shingles):  Varivax, ProQuad, MMR-V, Zostavax (Merck)
Varilix (GlaxoSmithKline)

Hepatitis A:  Vaqta (Merck), Havrix, Twinrix (GlaxoSmithKine), Avaxim, Vivaxim , Sanofi), Epaxal (Crucell/Berna)

Rabies:  Imovax (Sanofi)

A listing of all the various ingredients in vaccines is not possible to acquire.  That's because of two main reasons.
The first is that manufacturers are not required to report certain ingredients if they exist below a certain threshold.  For example, the cumulative neuro-toxin mercury, contained in Thimerisol which is currently an ingredient in the flu shot, is not required to be reported if below the legal threshold.
The other reason is that due to poor checks and balances in the manufacturing process, vaccines may have many contaminants that were not intended to be included in their manufacture, such as other bacteria, for example, a fact some former industry insiders continue to report.
Here, then, is a partial list of some other ingredients found in vaccines:
formaldehyde, thimerosal, polysorbate 80 (Tween-80), ammonium sulfate, formalin,sucrose, lactose, washed sheep red blood cells, continuous line of monkey kidney cells, neomycin, sorbitol, benzethonium chloride, ammonium sulfate, glycerin, a phenol-a compound from coal tar, beta-propiolactone,  phosphate buffered saline, 2-phenoxyethenol, soy protein, yeast, sucrose, monosodium glutamate (MSG), aspartame, polydimethylsiloxane (silicone), processed gelatin, fetal bovine serum, guinea pig embryo cells, chick embryo, vesicle fluid from calf skins, rhesus monkey fetal diploid cells, bovine fetal serum, rhesus monkey fetal lung cells,  bovine gelatin, serum "from source countries known to be free of bovine spongioform encephalopathy," chicken protein,  bovine serum, hydrolized gelatin, chicken embryo, continuous line of monkey kidney cells.
To find out which ingredients are in any particular vaccine, one way is to go to:
As the saying goes, information is power. The better informed you are the better the choices you will be able to make for you and for those dependent on you for their care.
An excellent source of information about vaccines can be found in the package inserts.  That said, there are some ingredients that the law does not require to be reported or taken into account if they are below a certain threshold, so even reading the inserts will not tell you everything.
Then, too, it would take a lot of effort to collect and review them all.  Happily this job has been taken on and placed online for you.
If you'd like to review  some vaccine  package inserts, click:
"If vaccines are safe and effective for everyone, then those, who choose to get vaccinated should have nothing to fear from those  who choose not to get vaccinated.
If vaccines are not safe and effective for everyone, then it is unethical to require anyone to get vaccinated without their voluntary, informed consent."                                  
                                     Barbara Loe Fisher,

National Vaccine Information Center

The Nourishing Company 224 N. Oak  Ukiah, Ca. 95482  USA