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Vol I, #8 
The First in a Series on 
Brain Fog, Brain Cells and Alzheimer's
Experience a little brain fog these days and you're likely to panic. After all, it's the sharp brains that keep their jobs in a downsizing economy. And the human brain's been getting in some trouble lately.
Keeping brain function and good brain health going in a world where the incidence of Alzheimer's Disease is growing exponentially is a challenge. In 2050, ADI (Alzheimer's Disease International, a consortium of 73 Alzheimer's organizations) predicts nearly a million new cases every year.
Right now 5.3 million Americans are living with Alzheimer's and every 70 seconds someone in America develops the incurable illness.
What's going on?
To summarize: The human brain weighs only three pounds and is composed of some 100 billion neurons that connect with each other in a network of trillions of synapses. This is where something goes horribly wrong for some people, especially in later life. Their neurons turn into plaques and tangles filled with brain amyloid deposits. This amyloid plaque is not friendly to the brain's nerve cells, or neurons. The result is Alzheimer's Disease with its loss of memory, thinking and language skills and behavioral changes. Scarey stuff, and information that could leave one feeling terrified and powerless. 
But wait - are there things we can do to reduce our chances that we will turn into one of those statistics? Short answer: it looks like it.
For example, Alzheimer prevalence is among the lowest in India: among Indian adults ages 70-79, Alzheimer incidence is 4.4 times less than the rate in the United States.  How come?
A  UCLA-Veterans Affairs study suggests that curcumin, the yellow pigment in turmeric and curry spice, inhibits the accumulation of destructive beta amyloid in the brains of Alzheimer's patients and also breaks up existing plaques. They even report that curcurmin is more effective in inhibiting formation of the Alzheimer protein fragments (beta amyloid) than many other drugs being tested as Alzheimer's treatments. The researchers found the low molecular weight and polar structure of curcumin allow it to penetrate the blood-brain barrier effectively and bind to beta amyloid.
This certainly bears out my experience clinically.  I've used a medicinal liquid Turmeric 1:1 (from MediHerb, Australia) from Curcuma longa rhizome 5 g) at 5 cc once or twice a day with great results, usually within a month.
The typical diet in India contains lots of this substance from the spices they use - turmeric and curry.  So even if you don't have access to medicinal quality Turmeric, sounds like your brain health would benefit greatly from adding it to your food.

Note: This series is a response to requests.
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Q: How many neurons can you fit on the head of a pin?                                                              
A. 30,000
Q. If put end-to-end, how long would the blood vessels in the human brain be?
A. 400 miles

An Easy-to Follow System for Improving your Emotional Health Is Now Underway...

How your brain functions has everything to do with your emotional life and how you manage it. In fact, your emotional health and well-being is one of the greatest assets you possess - more precious than your financial bottom line, even.
Unfortunately as adults, many of us have been trained away from - negatively conditioned, even - from including our active, conscious participation in our emotional lives as a central, even essential, part of taking care of our health.
We weren't born that way, however. As infants and children our emotional lives were just part of what we dealt with moment-by-moment-by moment. We tended to 'emotional ouches' in each moment just like the physical ouches that are part of every child's experience.
Instead, we had to unlearn  that natural integration and wall off our emotional lives so they were at the very least separate from the rest of our self, and sometimes even buried so they were totally disowned.
By the time whole cultures do this to children, it makes for a pretty dysfunctional world!
Happily a group of adults is now doing something about that. They are getting a map of how healthy emotional lives evolve. They are learning what to do in each phase of that emotional life to improve their own health and well-being, and to support that in their children, grandchildren, partners, friends, parents, co-workers etc. In that small way they're contributing to a better life for themselves and their world.
If you'd like to get an overview of what that map looks like and what they are learning, you can see a description by clicking here
And if you think you might like to have that crucial information for yourself sometime, you can sign up there without obligation to be notified of the next opportunity.
A Starting Place to
Reintegrate Your Emotional Life
If you'd like to re-integrate your own emotional life and make it once again a normal part of your everyday life, something you attend to like you attend to needs for hunger, food, rest, companionship, exercise, and to do so without spending a dime, here's a resource for you, a place to get started:

Click here...
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